October 12th, 2016
Shin Splints, or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome can be quite painful and can keep you out of the game or off the road for a little while. With these tips and exercises, we may be able to help manage your pain and get you back in the game or out for that run.
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome is characterized by pain along the shin of the lower leg. The pain is caused by inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding and attaching to the shin bone or tibia. Shin splints commonly occur in the early stages of a season or a training program.
Common signs and symptoms of Shin Splints are pain in the front and inside of lower leg during/after activity, abnormal gait (the way in which one
walks), and pain with ankle motion.
There are several common causes of Shin Splints. Muscle fatigue, flat feet or fallen arches, poor running technique, training errors and improper footwear.
There is good news! Shin Splints are treatable. Seek evaluation from an athletic trainer, physician or physical therapist. Rest is indicated in most cases. While you rest, you can focus on strength and flexibility to prevent further issues. Shin Splint sufferers should also explore proper footwear options. Getting in the right shoe might solve your problems.
Check out the following stretches and strengthening exercises for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. We also have an educational video about shin splints.
Be sure to consult your physician if you are experiencing constant pain, no relief of symptoms, or pain at rest.
To speak with a certified athletic trainer about a sports injury, call 410-828-4TSM (4876)